Sport Massage
Sport massage is the type of massage for sprortsmen and pyhisically active people to maintain healthy state of muscles, joints and ligaments. Getting sport massage reduces the risk of occurance of inguries. It is also appropreate to treat the pain after sport activity and helps to improve the indicators duing the sport performance. In this massage we use techniques of Deep Tissue Massage, Tirgger Point Tehrapy, Yoga Therapy and many others to keep the body in its best healthy condition.
Health Benefits of Sport Massage:
~ Stretches the muscles
~ Breakes down scar tissue
~ Improves tissue elasticity
~ Reduces the pain
~ Relaxes
~ Reduces anxiety
~ Invigorates
Massage made with 100% natural Almond/Macadamia Oils.
There is 30 min of relaxing time provided for client after massage session.
45 min-40€
60 min-55€
90 min-75€