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5 Rhythms Dance: unleash your essence.


Recently i came across a wonderful healing dance called 5 Rhythms by Gabriella Roth.

"The Five Rhythms is a practice of meditation in movement and dance created by Gabriella Roth in the 1960s and has since become one of the most popular and respected bodywork techniques in the United States and Europe.

The practice is based on the idea that everything is energy that moves in waves and rhythms. The five rhythms follow each other in a specific sequence: flow, staccato, chaos, lyricism,

stillness. If you look closely, a similar scheme is used, for example, by holotropic breathing: Intake, Energy Recruitment, Flight. Only there deeper states arise through breathing and decreased control, and the 5 rhythms give the experience a more "social body" feel.

So, the 5 rhythms are:

1. Flow (Flowing) - a rhythm that teaches fluidity and grace, smooth, soft, rounded, movements of "feminine" energy.

Flowing - is necessary for "getting into" the process. The body begins to move, breathe, attention is turned inside itself, which limits the stimulus field and leads to the fact that bodily sensations are expressed more clearly and brightly. Bodily meditation begins.

2. Staccato (Staccato)-rhythm that teaches certainty, finality, and clarity. Sharp, strong, jerky, "manly" motion.

Staccato is a set of energy. One pays attention to one's body, discovers unusual sensations and movements in it. Then additional energy is directed to this "uncommonness" by means of strengthening of breathing, more intensive music, more gustiness and emotionality.

3. Chaos - this rhythm is like a search for a form for creative realization. Chaotic movements, uncontrollable, unpredictable.

Chaos - when the energy becomes very high, the body is ready to express itself. Stereotypicality of movements goes away, the dance itself begins, which breaks the usual boundaries of "this is how I dance, and this is not". At this stage, I had many movements that my body was not aware of before. Or I did not suspect, and the body was just waiting, and waited for the class "5 rhythms.

4. Lyrical - this rhythm teaches synthesis and integration. Fine, graceful, repetitive movements, "the flight of a butterfly" or "a falling leaf".

Lyricality - after we have expressed ourselves in the movement, the most powerful wave of energy has passed, demolishing bodily clamps, patterns and boundaries on its way, the process moves to the next level. The level of emotion, the level of relationship. At the lyric stage, I understand the 5 rhythms speak to this. You can't be free in personality, in movement, and yet not allow yourself to be free in emotion and relationship.

5. Stillness - this rhythm teaches contemplation and peacefulness. movement out of stillness, observation of the primary impulses of movement, the "pulsating statue".

Rest is the stage of completion. Deepening of the process, integration, comprehension of all that was received during dance-meditation.

Its very easy to perform, no need any dance skills, just move following the rhythm, improvise. That's the beauty of it, anybody can do it.

Here is guided warm up of the body parts before the session:

Here is a performance of the dance itself for inspiration:

And here is a guided dance with all the rhythms:

That's basically it, just practice and enjoy!

Good luck!



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