Lomi Lomi Massage
Lomi Lomi Massage is an ancient healing modality in Hawaii, it's rooted in huna (a Hawaiian philosophy centered on achieving harmony in mind, body, and spirit). Along with improving circulation and promoting relaxation, lomi lomi is said to provide many spiritual and emotional benefits (including relief of fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions).One of the goals of lomi lomi massage is to remove blockages in the body's natural flow of energy. As in traditional Chinese medicine, energy blockages are thought to contribute to problems in physical, emotional, and mental health.
Health Benefits of Lomi Lomi Massage:
~ Relies tension
~ Removes old stress
~ Imroves circulation
~ Imroves nutrition, physical state
~ Improves state of mind, relaxation
~ Improves immunity
~ Brings harmony and balance
~ Builds confidence, enthusiasm and self-esteem
~ Expands life possibilities
~ Nurtures inner core
~ Restores well-being
~ Connects with self-knowing and self-loving
Massage made with 100% natural Almond/Macadamia Oils.
There is 30 min of relaxing time provided for client after massage session.
45 min-40€
60 min-55€
90 min-75€